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3-Month Intensive Signature Program

As a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, I don’t treat or diagnose anything specifically.  Rather, I am a holistic health detective - I look for multiple healing opportunities and then I help you to heal everything non-specifically.  This is different from the traditional medical system that may treat one symptom or one test result independently of anything else. 


I facilitate self-testing and help you to run a carefully-selected suite of foundational lab screenings that give us a broad view of your overall health and help us to identify malfunction at a sub clinical level within the Hormone, Immune, Digestion, Detoxification, Energy Production and Nervous systems.


Please bear in mind that these screenings are diagnostic in nature but aren’t a medical diagnosis.  We work at a sub-clinical level, looking for early signs of imbalance prior to a diagnosis and apply Diet, Rest, Exercise, Stress Reduction and Supplement principles to ideally prevent a clinical level from being reached.


These screening results, alongside the information we will gather and discuss regarding your lifestyle, medical history as well as a quantitative assessment of your symptoms, will help me to uncover a wide array of healing opportunities.  


Our goal will be to remove as many obstacles for healing as possible, allowing the body’s innate intelligence to take the stage and heal itself.


We will focus on comprehensive health building which has been shown to outperform specific, singular treatments. We will work with, and respect, the innate intelligence of the body. The body ultimately wants equilibrium; we will nurture your body on many levels and provide it with what it needs to thrive.


We will raise your body’s figurative bank account balance and allow it to decide where it needs to be spent.

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 3-Month Signature Program Process

Our goal will be to remove as many obstacles for healing as possible, reducing internal and external stressors and allowing the body’s innate intelligence to take the stage and heal itself.

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We thoroughly review and assess your current state of health with the help of cutting edge functional labs, correlate the findings in the context of your symptoms, determine your goals and identify all possible opportunities for healing.

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I will guide you through a custom-made-for-you "roadmap to health"  protocol, advising you every step of the way.  We will restore health holistically and comprehensively, moving you towards your goals, simply and effectively.

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I will show you how to sustain health going forward, providing you with all of the tools and knowledge you need to thrive. You will become your own best healer and you will gain an incredible sense of

"body literacy". 

More about the process...


Investigative Process

Once we have decided to embark upon this healing journey together, we will start with a very thorough intake process and will run a thoughtfully-selected suite of foundational lab screening tests to help us assess your hormone health, your digestive function, your ability to detoxify, your gut microbiome health, the status of your immune system, your ability to produce energy effectively and the state of your nervous system. 

These foundational screenings may include:

  • Stress and Hormone Profile

  • Metabolic Wellness Profile

  • Mucosal Barrier Assessment

  • GI-MAP (Gastrointestinal Microbial Assay)

  • Food Sensitivity Test

  • Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis


Nourishing Your Body

Once we have your results, I will correlate the findings to your symptoms based on the detailed intakes you have completed. I will then review the results with you and provide recommendations over a series of comprehensive video calls.  I will introduce your custom 90-day protocol and guide you through the roll-out of it, step by step.  I will help you remove as many internal and external stressors as possible, focusing on diet, rest, exercise, stress reduction and thoughtful supplementation. We will continue to meet bi-weekly for the duration of your program.  I will be available to you by private messaging to answer questions and provide guidance, motivation and accountability on an ongoing basis.


Change your Life & Thrive

At the end of the three months (and possibly even sooner) you will feel significantly better and be on the road to improved health and increased resilience.  I will have educated you on how to make lifestyle shifts that will leave you feeling renewed, restored and vibrant.  This is knowledge you will possess for life - your "body literacy" skills will soar and you will gain wisdom on how to stay well, naturally.  There really is no better investment to make than in your health!​

Start your journey to healing today!

Kind Words

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Erin A.

Working with Ashley is so easy. She is kind, smart, open and provides so much support. I highly recommend working with her!

Ashley Powell is a certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner® as well as a Registered Holistic Nutritionist

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